new configure problem (git master head) possible cmake bug?

Jack Ostroff ostroffjh at
Fri Jun 15 22:45:38 UTC 2018

Recently, I've been playing with some informal comparisons between make  
and ninja as build system, and between gcc and clang as compiler.  I  
have a sense that ninja is a bit faster, although I've also been trying  
cccache, which make a great difference if doing clean compiles but with  
only minor changes in configure parameters.

However, starting about two days ago, several builds ended up not  
having libofx clientuid capability, which is absolutely essential for  
me, and which has worked fine for quite a long time.  I started digging  
into the code, and I did notice two recent commits in CMake files  
related to libofx.  However, nothing made any sense, until I realized  
that what happened was that all my compiles using "make" failed to find  
clientuid support, but my compiles with "ninja" did find it.  Note that  
terminology is not quite accurate, since the success or failure was all  
within the cmake/ccmake run, before either make or ninja was involved.   
I'm guessing this is a bug within cmake itself, but I'm stumped as to  
how to create a small test case.

Question: is there anyone compiling from source who has found the  
problem with cmake not finding clientuid support, where it was  
previously found?  I'm really not sure if one of the cmake related  
commits tripped over some sort of edge case,

I did reinstall cmake on 23 May, but it was just a reinstall of the  
same version 3.9.6 I originally installed on 27 Dec.  I'm going to try  
a newer version of cmake, but would love to find I'm not the only one  
who has gotten caught by this.

Thanks for any ideas.


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