Question about commit

Pino Toscano pino at
Mon Feb 12 07:09:37 UTC 2018


In data sabato 10 febbraio 2018 21:18:19 CET, Thomas Baumgart ha scritto:
> this commit on the 5.0 branch
> commit 9b27c432ef80c9d4a35bc9dff37619cde9673343
> Author: Pino Toscano <pino at>
> Date:   Thu Feb 8 22:16:47 2018 +0100
>     cmake: install local icons in the local datadir
>     Install all the local actions icons to the kmymoney data directory, to
>     avoid polluting the global icon themes.
>     Fixes commit d9cf5550c478d95d4faf312c1149f30829829516.
> apparently causes that the icons are not shown anymore in the application. Any 
> idea of what to look for?

I see, the icon loading code uses QIcon, which does not know about
local paths for icons. Can you please try the attached patch, which
switches to KIconLoader?

Since kmymoney has a lot of own icons, I'd really avoid to install them
in the global icon themes, with the risk of clashes with the themes
themselves. Also, the above commit makes the situation as it was in
kmymoney 4.x.

Pino Toscano
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