ofx logging question

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Dec 11 18:17:37 GMT 2018


On Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2018 17:20:55 CET Jack wrote:

> On 2018.12.11 11:10, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > For newer KMyMoney versions (I'd say 5.0.2+) you can forget about the  
> > /home/thb folder and the ofxlog.txt file. Logging is much easier  
> > these days: open KMyMoney's configuration dialog and select the  
> > Support tab on the General page. It has all you need.
> I'm currently running from 5.0 branch git head compiled 2018-11-09, and  
> it still adds to ~/ofxlog.txt, although the security tab does point to  
> ~ and both boxes are checked.

I have to correct myself: the setting defines the path, the name is fixed to ofxlog.txt.

> I also get a kmm-statement-2018-mm-dd  
> hh-mm-sec.txt file for each import.  (is that time UTC?)   Are both of  
> those file now from the settings, created whether or not ofxlog.txt  
> exists first?

Yes. The 'Log imported statements' switch creates the kmm-statement files. The 'Log OFX transactions' creates the ofxlog.txt file. The path is used for both. The time indeed is in UTC:

    auto logFile = QString::fromLatin1("%1/kmm-statement-%2.txt").arg(KMyMoneySettings::logPath(),
                                       QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss")));

> If so, I wonder if ofxlog.txt should also be split into  
> a separate file per run - that might  make it easier to check what  
> happened for different update attempts.

If that is the case, please create a b.k.o wishlist entry so that we don't forget about it.



Thomas Baumgart

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