Report not updating after bulk edit of transactions

Jack ostroffjh at
Wed Apr 4 18:52:41 UTC 2018

In the Tax Transactions by Category (modified to include Memo column,  
and to show 2017 calendar year) I noticed some irrelevant memo fields,  
which had been created from OFX imports.  I went to the register for  
that account, selected those transactions by filtering on the payee,  
clicked edit, removed the memo, and saved.  All the transactions show  
the memo removed in the ledger.  Unfortunately, the memos are still  
there in the report.  When I then edited a single transaction and saved  
it (without changing anything, and the memo still showing blank) the  
report showed a blank memo for that transaction.  I also tried saving  
the file, exited KMM, and restarted, with no change in what was shown.

I'm hoping someone can suggest something I'm doing to cause this,  
because I'm not sure how hard it would be to create a relatively small  
test case, and I'm not likely to have time to do so for a few weeks.

Fortunately, it's only a cosmetic issue for my use of the report, but  
it doesn't make any sense to me.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


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