new minor issues in git master head

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Sep 18 22:20:00 UTC 2017


Thanks for fixing the ClientUID issue.

First, I see a few strange things in console output - I have no idea if  
any of them are important or not.  Let me know if I can troubleshoot in  
any more detail:

QPixmap::grabWidget is deprecated, use QWidget::grab() instead
  (this is after the three "Loaded nnnnn elements" messages, and a few  
times later on.  I only see this in kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp)

"syntax error, unexpected MONTH"
"syntax error, unexpected MONTH"
  (seen a few times before, always as a pair, not sure what triggered  
this.  I have not identified the source file - I suppose it might be in  
a Framework and not KMM code.)

The real problem I just found is that if I have a transfer transaction  
with a payee, I cannot remove the payee.  I have tried both sides, and  
there is no error message, but on hitting "Save" the payee returns.

I'm attaching a sample kmy file, but if it doesn't get through, start a  
new kmy file with one checking account and one savings account, no  
categories, and one payee.  Insert a transfer from one account to the  
other, with the payee specified.  Save the transaction, and then edit  
it, and try to remove the payee.  I do this very frequesntly with 4.8 -  
I have a payee "&Useless" which matches to the memo content my banks  
use for transfers - so I can find them quickly and remove the payee.  I  
have also tested that it still works in 4.8 git head.

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