Can't figure out "ambiguous shortcut"

Jack ostroffjh at
Tue Sep 12 20:57:27 UTC 2017

Good afternoon,

On and off for a long time, I occasionall type Ctrl+F to bring up the  
transaction search form, and get an error "Ambiguous shortcut detected"  
The key sequence 'Ctrl+F' is ambiguous.  Use 'Configure Shortcuts' from  
the 'Settings' menu to solve the ambiguity.  The problem is that if I  
bring up that dialog, there is only one entry for Ctrl-F.  This is on  
the home page, but I seem to remember I have also seen it on other  
views also.  I suppose at least one of those views might have a  
different use for Ctrl+F, but not on the home page.

Any thoughts on what else to check for?



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