Printing Checks, Was: Feedback

Jack ostroffjh at
Wed Jul 19 23:51:52 UTC 2017

On 2017.06.29 04:54, Doug Lytle wrote:
> On 06/26/2017 11:42 AM, Oliver Deex wrote:
>> I am running kmymoney in linuxmint 18 XFCE. How and where do  
>> I get and install template to print (i.e. fill in) standard 2 3/4" x  
>> 6 " bank checks? Also how do I adjust the template to fit my bank  
>> checks?
>> Thank you, Oliver Deex
> Oliver,
> This is a user question and really belongs on the KMyMoney user's  
> list.  Also, the current KMyMoney release for Linux Mint is 4.8.0,  
> you'd need to be running a current version before we can help.
> Hope to see you on the user's list!
> Doug (just a user)
Actually, I've been meaning to answer this for a while, but keep  
getting distracted.  (moving to the users list might get a response  
from another user, but is not necessary)

In terms of versions, upgrading to 4.8.0 is a good idea in general, but  
I don't think the check printing has had any changes in a long time.   
I'm also not sure how many people actually use the check printing  
feature - if anyone does use it please speak up.

Right now, this is all from memory - the check printing feature is  
actually rather simplistic.  If you go to the menu Settings/Congigure  
KMyMoney and then chosse the Plugins (last item on the left) and click  
the wrench icon next to "Print check" it will show you the template it  
is currently using.  There may be other templates in that same  
directory.  The template is just an HTML file, with css to specify the  
layout.  The actual content includes some variables (such as  
$OWNER_NAME) which KMM fills in before actually displaying or printing  
the file.  The variable names should be pretty obvious, but I'll have  
to hunt for a list I once made of the full set of available variables.

To actually answer your question, the only templates available are  
shipped with the program.  I don't know of any others which have been  
created for specific size checks, and I don't know the check size  
assumed by the existing template(s).  My suggestion is to just try one  
(print to blank paper) and see how it works.  My initial look into the  
css suggests it should be possible to adjust to a specific layout  
without too much effort.

The only other thing I would note is that although I know I have tested  
printing checks in the past,  I tried just now, but the  
Transaction/Print Check menu item was disabled for every one I tried.   
I will have to go digging to figure out if I'm just missing some data  
item in the transaction, or if there is some bug showing up.

Give it a try, and let us know how it goes (either here or the user  


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