oddness with blank payee and missing category

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Aug 25 22:53:53 UTC 2017

I finally got time to start clearing up this old mess.  I changed the  
name of the Payee with no name (can I call it the Payee formerly known  
as ... ?) to " missing payee" so I can distinguish that payee from no  
payee on a transaction.  More below.

On 2017.07.28 08:19, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2017 14:06:31 CEST Jack wrote:
>> Question - should it also be safe just to change   Payee="P000845"   
>> to Payee="" in the file directly without breaking anything else?  It  
>> might end up being the fastest way, but I'm not sure I trust it.  (I  
>> would definitely make several backups first :-))
> Yes, that can be done. It leaves the transaction with no payee then.  
> Once all of them have been processed that way, you should be able to  
> delete the payee completely (giving it a name like "no payee" before  
> reduces the confusion). It's exactly what KMyMoney does internally if  
> you
> a) rename the empty payee to "no payee"
> b) go to a transaction and get rid of "no payee" as payee
> c) repeat b) until no more transactions are assigned
> which is a bit more tedious if we talk about a lot of transactions  
> compared to manipulating the file directly.

 From the Payee View, I selected the " missing payee" and then selected  
the first listed transaction.  It is a "Sell shares" transaction.  I  
see no mention of " missing payee" but if I right click, I do see  
entries to "go to " both the brokerage account and the " missing  
payee."  From the brokerage account, I only see the goto the investment  
account.  I suppose this is because there is generally no payee  
involved in a "sell shares" transaction, so there is no point in  
displaying it.  However, since a payee got created on import (by  
matching the payee with no name) it may end up necessary for me to do  
this by editing the  XML file.

Any other thoughts?


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