Review Request 128817: Restructure pages in CSV Importer

Thomas Baumgart tbaumgart at
Fri Sep 9 14:37:49 UTC 2016

> On Sept. 7, 2016, 8:07 vorm., Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvwizard.cpp, line 625
> > <>
> >
> >     Doesn't that match an empty txt as well?
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
>     Yes it does and couple of lines above is my recipe for it
>     ```c++
>         QString txt = ui->tableWidget->item(row, col)->text();
>         if (txt.isEmpty())  // nothing to process, so go to next row
>           continue;
>     ```

Never mind. I did not see that. Then it's not a problem.

> On Sept. 7, 2016, 8:07 vorm., Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvwizard.cpp, line 622
> > <>
> >
> >     Don't we know about a lot more currency symbols in the engine (MyMoneyFile::instance()->currencyList())? The method would be tradingSymbol(). See KMyMoneyView::loadDefaultCurrencies() for the list of known currencies. Why do some of them are hard coded here?
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
>     I use d following code to harvest potential currencies.
>     ```c++
>       QList<MyMoneyAccount> accountList;
>       MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(accountList);
>       QList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE> accountTypes;
>       accountTypes << MyMoneyAccount::Checkings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Savings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Liability <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Checkings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Savings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Cash <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Loan <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Asset <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Liability;
>       QString filteredCurrencies;
>       QList<MyMoneyAccount>::ConstIterator account;
>       for (account = accountList.cbegin(); account != accountList.cend(); ++account)
>         if (accountTypes.contains((*account).accountType()) &&     // account must acctually have currency property
>             !filteredCurrencies.contains((*account).currencyId())) // currency must not be on the list already
>             filteredCurrencies += (*account).currencyId();
>     ```
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
>     Disregard previous response. It should be this.
>     ```c++  
>       QList<MyMoneyAccount> accountList;
>       MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(accountList);
>       QList<MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE> accountTypes;
>       accountTypes << MyMoneyAccount::Checkings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Savings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Liability <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Checkings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Savings <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Cash <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Loan <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Asset <<
>                       MyMoneyAccount::Liability;
>       QString filteredCurrencies;
>       QList<MyMoneyAccount>::ConstIterator account;
>       for (account = accountList.cbegin(); account != accountList.cend(); ++account) {
>         if (accountTypes.contains((*account).accountType()) &&     // account must actually have currency property
>             !filteredCurrencies.contains((*account).currencyId(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // currency id must not be on the list already
>             filteredCurrencies += (*account).currencyId();
>             QString tradingSymbol = MyMoneyFile::instance()->currency((*account).currencyId()).tradingSymbol();
>             if (!filteredCurrencies.contains(tradingSymbol, Qt::CaseInsensitive )) // currency trading symbol must not be on the list already
>               filteredCurrencies += tradingSymbol;
>         }
>       }
>     ```
>     I think it's better to remove currency symbols based on what user has in his accounts, than to hunt for over 180 currency symbols/ids from (MyMoneyFile::instance()->currencyList()).

I'd use a QSet<QString> to add all trading symbols w/o the hassle of checking if it already exists. QSet does not create duplicates. At the end

  QSet<QString> symbols;
  // do the collection of the symbols over the accounts here
  QString filteredCurrencies = QStringList(symbols.values()).join("");
Should make the code more readable.

- Thomas

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On Sept. 7, 2016, 8:31 nachm., Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Sept. 7, 2016, 8:31 nachm.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Repository: kmymoney
> Description
> -------
> I actually decided to get rid of completion page and restructure LinesDate page. In my opinion it's more logical now and better structured for new feature I introduced ie. calculate fee column on fly.
> 1) shortened updateDecimalSymbol and renamed it to
> validateDecimalSymbol,
> 2) introduced detectDecimalSymbol for autodetecting decimal symbol,
> 3) simplified createStatement,
> 4) simplified and deduplicated slotImportClicked,
> 5) new decimal symbol option 'auto' for columns with various decimal
> symbols,
> 6) decimal symbol and date format get checked every time formats page is
> being opened,
> 7) removed completion page,
> 8) introduced rows page after separator page which is usefull for
> calculate fee
> 9) introduced formats page which groups all validity checks in one
> place,
> 10) checking securities existence is now part of
> InvestmentPage::validatePage(),
> 11) validateDateFormat operates on tableWidget and not on m_lines so it
> can be faster,
> 12) renamed page labels so they represent the content better,
> 13) Rows and Formats page have layout equal to Separator page, so look is more consistent.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/CMakeLists.txt 216c79c 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/completionwizardpage.ui 616e0c3 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvdialog.h 59e6898 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvdialog.cpp ed9e1d8 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvwizard.h ecec5b0 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvwizard.cpp b576dea 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvwizard.ui 723e128 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/formatswizardpage.ui PRE-CREATION 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h 902f9bb 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp f050441 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/lines-datewizardpage.ui 84c1c91 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/rowswizardpage.ui PRE-CREATION 
>   kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/separatorwizardpage.ui 2ad5abd 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Łukasz Wojniłowicz

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