libalkimia 4.3.2 support in kmm 4.8

Christian Dávid christian-david at
Sun Oct 30 10:08:07 UTC 2016

Hi timothy,

the information that alkimia <= 6.0.0 fetches Qt 5 is wrong!

Alkimia <= 5 is Qt 4 based, it is fetched indirectly over the line

find_package(KDE4 4.6.0 REQUIRED)

As written in another thread, the issue is that alkimia 4.x shippes a find module which just finds any version of alkimia. Maybe there are other bugs in the cmake files, too. However, most of these issues should be fixed in version 5.


> timothy <timboyle at> hat am 18. Oktober 2016 um 09:42 geschrieben:
> Hi
> I am using LMDE2 Mint Debian and cannot add libalkimia >= 5.0 without
> major changes to my whole system. A recent post from Alan mentions:-
> >> alkimia >= 5.0.0 fetches Qt5 dependencies into a project using it.
> >> You need to revert alkimia to  version <= 4.3.2. Another option would be
> >> to (re)add Qt4 support to recent alkimia.
> If consideration is being given to the latter option, would not
> reverting to alkimia 4.3.2 achieve the same purpose. Or at least a
> compile/make option for this version of libalkimia. This would allow
> people with my predicament to get bugs and changes sorted out from
> compiling kmm 4.8 instead of waiting for the next release.
> Regards
> Timothy

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