Encryption query

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 12:06:22 UTC 2016

On 27/10/16 11:51, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Allan,
> On Thursday 27 October 2016 11:28:47 aga wrote:
>> The last couple of times I've saved my file, I've received a warning
>> about the dire consequences of possible data loss if I were to lose my
>> password.
>> I've looked in KMM settings and encryption is off.  I checked ccmake and
>> couldn't see an option for encryption, but in the summary, KDE PIM
>> encryotion is shown as enabled.
>> Do I have a problem?  Can I disable encryption?  How?
> No, I don't think you have a problem. The storage method is kept in the data 
> file, so if you open a file that was encrypted it will be saved encrypted 
> again. And that, if you decrypt it externally and open it as an XML file. If 
> you want to permanently remove the encryption from it, you need to 'save as' 
> and select a non-encrypting method.
> Hope that helps.
> Regards
> Thomas

Hi Thomas

Erm.. Shouldn't the file dialogs then allow selection of encryption
method?  Neither Load nor Save does now here.

I'm on kf5, and seem to remember seeing them previously.

I hadn't, deliberately, encrypted any KMM files.


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