CSV Import Crash

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 16:19:43 UTC 2016

I was importing a CSV credit card file, and on clicking Import CSV,
nothing happened for a few seconds, then KMM crashed with no backtrace,
but there was a dump, which I didn't see, but which got sent off somewhere.

This was followed by other KDE apps bombing.

I repeated the same procedure, and again a crash occurred, but with no
other system problems apparent.

The console showed
QObject::connect: No such signal
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'FormatsPage')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'csvimport')
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This was followed by a number of entries like
Selection[ Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 )
Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) 1 ] Position( 0x0
"null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) - in fact apparently identical, then
[character:baseIsStart] true Position( 0x0 "null" : 0 ) Position( 0x0
"null" : 0 )

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


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