Consistency check

Jack ostroffjh at
Fri Nov 18 18:38:15 UTC 2016

On 2016.11.18 11:02, Steven Third wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm using version 4.8.0 of your excellent program and have been for  
> some time now. On previous versions the consistency check was a user  
> option it now appears when I save file. The warnings are irrelevant  
> and have no bearing on the accuracy of my accounts. I wonder if there  
> is any way of turning the consistency check off? Or perhaps you would  
> kindly consider this as an option in future releases.
> Thank you, Steven.
You are right that originally, the consistency check was only called  
manually.  As you noticed, it more recently is run every time you save  
the file.  If you really want, you can file an enhancement request at, although I'm not sure it will get a very high priority.   
Most of the time, warnings from the consistency check are things that  
really should be fixed, even if they don't seem to affect you.  On the  
other hand, if you think some particular warning is really unnecessary,  
let us know what it is, and either we'll agree, or we'll explain why it  
points out something that should be corrected.


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