More libalkimia problems/questions was: problems compiling 4.8 on system with both qt4 and qt5

aga agander93 at
Thu Nov 3 10:54:27 UTC 2016

I replied earlier to this but it seems not to have survived, so here it
is again.  And I hope I'm not confused here.
Sorry,it was the duplication 'Aa' I was referring to. It jumps out at me
so I didn't make it clearer."


On 03/11/16 07:24, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> Am 03.11.2016 um 00:25 schrieb aga:
>> I don't know if this is/these are typos or deliberate, or even if
>> they're important, or fixed already, but, in this chunk, there are four
>> LibAalkimiaxx's.
> These are two variants to show how it could be performed:
> variant 1:
>> if(QT4_FOUND)
>>>    find_package(LibAalkimia4)
>>>    if(NOT LIBALKIMIA4_FOUND)          [1]
>>> 	find_package(LibAalkimia)
>>>    endif()
>>> else()
>>>    find_package(LibAalkimia5)
>>> endif()
> [1] for alkimia 4.3.2 package
> variant 2 (without search for old alkimia package)
>>> if(QT4_FOUND)
>>>    set(QT_SLOT 4)
>>> else()
>>>    set(QT_SLOT 5)
>>> endif()
>>> find_package(LibAalkimia${QT_SLOT})
> Ralf

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