General Error (Code 2000)

Gary Harmon harmongl at
Tue Jul 26 02:52:44 UTC 2016

My apologies, Thomas, that was an oversight on my part: 4.7.2 on Windows is right.  

I'm currently out of town but will try 4.8.0 when I can and let you know the results.  

Thank you for your help.  


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 23, 2016, at 11:59 PM, Thomas Baumgart <thb at> wrote:
> Gary,
> unfortunately, you did not mention the version of KMyMoney you're using. 
> Assuming from the screen layout and the fact that you are using it over a 
> year, I end up with 4.7.2 on MS-Windows.
> Can you try to upgrade to 4.8.0 and see if the problem goes away or remains? 
> Check for the latest version. Make sure you can fallback 
> to your previous version just in case something goes wrong (which I don't 
> expect, but I am not a windows expert and have not built the package).
> If that does not help, we need to dive into diagnosing the problem on the 
> protocol level. Please get back to us here on the list and I will try to give 
> you instructions on how to do that.
> Regards
> Thomas
>> On Saturday 23 July 2016 08:42:26 Gary Harmon wrote:
>> I've been using KMyMoney for over a year now and have had a good experience
>> with it.  Just a few days ago I started getting a failure when updating a
>> specific account (see attached).  All was well with updating this account
>> until recently.
>> Any thoughts?  Suggestions on how to diagnose?  The financial institution
>> passed it off as a KMyMoney issue (which they "don't support").
>> Thanks.
>> Gary
> -- 
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
> GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> morphir: so much confusion :S kmake, kdemake, qmake make cmake etc.
> logixoul: you forgot cmakekde :)
> morphir: and bakemeacake
> -------------------------------------------------------------

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