KF5 - GPG Encryption Problem

Brendan Coupe brendan at coupeware.com
Sun Jul 3 22:32:45 UTC 2016

I've attached the text output from my build. The build completed and the
program runs but there were a lot of warnings.


On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Brendan Coupe <brendan at coupeware.com> wrote:

> Here is the utput from kmm when I run it. The path /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins
> exists but I don't think the KMM plugins are there.
> QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No
> such file or directory
> Error loading plugin "konlinetasks_sepa" "The shared library was not
> found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> Error loading plugin "kmm_icalendarexport" "The shared library was not
> found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> Error loading plugin "kmm_csvexport" "The shared library was not found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> Error loading plugin "kmm_csvimport" "The shared library was not found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> Error loading plugin "kmm_ofximport" "The shared library was not found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> Error loading plugin "kmm_printcheck" "The shared library was not found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> Error loading plugin "kmm_weboob" "The shared library was not found."
> Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
> The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
> *----Brendan*
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net>
> wrote:
>> On 2016.07.03 15:52, Brendan Coupe wrote:
>>> Thanks Thomas. I installed a few more packages and now it compiles and
>>> works with my encrypted file. The problem is OFX does not work even
>>> though
>>> it looks OK when I compile (see below) and it shows up the in the KMM
>>> plugins. The cvs importer is also in the plugins but is not in the import
>>> menu.
>> Pending further suggestions from Thomas, I would try running from command
>> line to see if there are any useful messages sent to console.  As I
>> remember, it generally does say something about plugins, so you might get a
>> hint.
>> Jack
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