KF5 - GPG Encryption Problem

Brendan Coupe brendan at coupeware.com
Sun Jul 3 14:44:26 UTC 2016

That's the problem. How do I figure out what is missing?

kf5-kpimtextedit.x86_64, kf5-kpimtextedit-devel.x86_64, kf5-gpgmepp.x86_64
and kf5-gpgmepp-devel.x86_64 are installed.



Configure results (user options):
KDE PIM holidays:                        no

KDE PIM encryption:                      no

KDE PIM addressbook:                     no

OFX plugin:                              yes

KBanking plugin:                         no

weboob plugin:                           yes

iCalendar export plugin:                 yes

SQLCipher plugin:                        no

Configure results (developer options):
Qt-Designer library support:             no

Generate modeltest code:                 no

Generate API documentation with Doxygen: yes


On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 1:07 AM, Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Saturday 02 July 2016 19:43:35 Jack wrote:
> > On 2016.07.02 17:47, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> > > I finally got the KF5 version of KMM to compile from source. When I
> > > try to
> > > open my encrypted file it fails saying the gpg is not available. The
> > > Encryption tab on the KMM configuration page is disabled.
> > >
> > > What am I doing wrong?
> >
> > Do "ldd kmymoney | grep gpg" where kmymoney is the path to the
> > exectuable and see if it is linked to any gpg libraries.  If not, then
> > cmake didn't find anything.  Whether good or bad, that dependency (and
> > many others) are optional, so if it doesn't find the library (or the
> > appropriate cmake file) it just doesn't compile that feature, but
> > doesn't give any warning.  There might be something displayed at the
> > end of cmake, but I'm not set up to check that very quickly.
> In fact it does. Here's what I see in my KF5 environment (the important
> line
> is the one with 'KDE PIM encryption':
> -------- KMyMoney 4.100.0-d1fefbd --------
> Configure results (user options):
> --------------------------------------------
> KDE PIM holidays:                        yes
> KDE PIM encryption:                      yes
> KDE PIM addressbook:                     no
> OFX plugin:                              yes
> KBanking plugin:                         yes
> weboob plugin:                           yes
> iCalendar export plugin:                 yes
> SQLCipher plugin:                        no
> --------------------------------------------
> Configure results (developer options):
> --------------------------------------------
> Qt-Designer library support:             no
> Generate modeltest code:                 no
> Generate API documentation with Doxygen: yes
> Build type: RelWithDebInfo
> -- Configuring done
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
> GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Cheaper is more expensive -- thb
> -------------------------------------------------------------
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