aqbanking questions

Michael Wolfe wolfemi1 at
Fri Jan 29 01:52:16 UTC 2016


I have a similar question: is it possible to enable aqbanking on the 
Windows version of KMyMoney?  I have the same issue with Chase, and in 
the absence of a fix for libofx and a new KMM build I'm unable to update 
automatically.  I've been told that by them too that I need to do an 
automatic download correctly by sometime early this year (March I think) 
or else.... I assume something bad happens.

On 1/28/2016 3:51 PM, Jack wrote:
> Since the flap with Chase credit cards changing their OFX details, 
> I've been using aqbanking instead of libofx, and there are a number of 
> differences.
> First, is there any way to make aqbanking remember the password? It 
> prompts every time, and I don't see any boxes or settings. Also, is 
> there any way to make it FORGET the password?  I just mistyped a 
> password, but if I try to update the account again, it uses the wrong 
> password I just typed.
> Second, is there any way to make it actually put the memo from the 
> downloaded transaction into the memo of the KMM transaction?
> If these are actually issues with aqbanking and not with KMM's use of 
> it, where should I bring them up?  Would it be the aqbanking mailing 
> list?
> Thanks for any hints
> Jack

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