[Kmymoney-devel] Help test onlinebanking

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Jan 10 08:52:02 UTC 2016

Hallo Michael,

On Thursday 07 January 2016 20:59:51 Michael Spahr wrote:

> Hello
> I would like place transactions by HBCI with KMyMoney/AqBanking to my
> bank. What must I do, that I have this function. I would be happy about
> a Step by Step Guide Download the reservations of my checking account
> goes. Thank You. I have Ubuntu 14.04 KMyMoney 4.7.2 AqBanking v5.3.5.0beta
> Please excuse my bad English

Your English is not bad at all.

I am not sure if 4.7.2 already supports the method to transfer money directly 
(Überweisungen) using KMyMoney. It certainly can download statement 
information (Kontoauszug) using the methods you describe. That should work out 
of the box.

The current development master contains the online transfer functionality. 
Since the developers of KMyMoney only provide source code which is used by 
various packagers to form installable packages, we can only provide 
information how to install from source. This might be a tough ride if you have 
never done it before.

Another chance (for your Ubuntu environment) is Clay Weber's PPA collection. 
See https://launchpad.net/~claydoh/+ppa-packages. His latest KMyMoney package 
from the master branch is dated end of October. From what I see in the 
developer logs this is pretty recent. So, maybe you give this one a try.

Also make sure to have a recent AqBanking and Gwenhywfar package. The latest 
development (January 2016, AqBanking 5.6.4 and Gwen 4.15.2) helped me to get 
statement download from IngDiba working again.

From what I remember, the online transfer features are not documented (yet). 
In case you get the above mentioned packages running and have questions about 
how to use the feature(s), please let us know. We can get you up to speed.

> Yours truly <http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/Yours+truly%2C.html>

Regards (Gruß)




Thomas Baumgart

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Q: Do you know the golden rule?
A: The rules are made by those who own the gold!
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