Building KMM on Windows: was: Help test onlinebanking

Jack ostroffjh at
Tue Feb 16 22:44:43 UTC 2016

[I thought I sent this a few days ago, and didn't notice it stuck in my  

On 2016.02.15 15:59, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> On Monday 15 February 2016 12:42:04 Jack wrote:

>> I did finally get KMM to build under Windows with the KDE on Windows  
>> platform.  I'll have to dig that out to see whether it included the  
>> aqbanking stuff.  It uses msys not msvc, so it should be possible.   
>> I'm not sure which compiler/platform Cristian used (I think he is  
>> the one who compiled that windows version.)

> Since you're Mr. documentation in this project: did you take some  
> notes what needs to be done to set this up? I am very interested in  
> it.
I actually (mostly) followed the instructions for using emerge from the  
kde on windows pages.  I'd have to go digging again for exact URL's.   
The hard part is that all the current KDE on Windows effort is going to  
the frameworks builds, so getting any of the older versions to work  
takes some effort.  Try it - wait for something to fail - figure out  
how to get past it.  I had been trying once or twice a year for quite a  
while, and it finally worked a few months ago.  I'll have to go digging  
into that folder to see if I can repeat it, or at least help someone  
else who is trying.

> Cristian did the 4.7.2 build, that's right.
Looking again, it was 4.6.4.  I'm currently trying to build 4.7.2, and  
having all sorts of problems.  The compile fails, missing something  
that worked fine last time.  I go to reinstall or update that, and it  
fails missing something else.  I may just start from scratch, and know  
everything is fresh.  The problem is that with the lack of attention to  
this branch of the KDE-Windows stuff, most of the utilities are not  
even using the latest available which should work with KDE 4.14 (which  
is the latest version present at all.)

I'll update again once I get a more solid platform.


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