[Kmymoney-devel] Online-banking in KMyMoney

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun May 31 20:20:27 UTC 2015


On Sunday 31 May 2015 18:58:46 Christian Dávid wrote:

> Hello Testers,
> I just wanted to ask if anybody has found issues or has suggestions for the
> online-banking.
> How is the outbox working for you? How should the Outbox look like?
> Thank you for testing!

After the latest changes in AqBanking (which actually only affect transaction 
download) I have used the SEPA transfers a few times on an iTan managed 
account. I have yet to test it against a smartTan managed one (e.g. Postbank).

So far things look good. I am seeing the following issues so far:

1) BIC: for internation transfers the BIC is required but not for national 
ones. But I have to enter it for any transaction before I can actually store 
or send a job. Can we add a national/internation switch somehow and get rid of 
BIC entry for national transfers?

2) We have the capability to store account information with the payee object 
but we cannot re-use them while creating transaction jobs. It would be great 
that the beneficiary in the transfer creation would be tied to the payee 
objects and collect account information from it.

3) Some banks (the one I use for example) does not send the transaction posted 
as part of the statement download until they actually processed it. In case of 
a weekend with adjacent holidays this could be several days (e.g. last weekend 
at Pentecost). I created a transaction Friday night and did not see it in the 
account's ledger until Tuesday. It would be cool if the logic could create a 
KMyMoney transaction in the ledger (which can later be matched by the data of 
the statement) so that the user has instant feedback on the charge/deposit. 

So much for now.



Thomas Baumgart

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'Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
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