[Kmymoney-devel] Matching question, Was: [Bug 345259] The date is ignored when matching

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Thu May 21 11:23:32 UTC 2015

On 20/05/15 18:01, Jack wrote:
> [To the list, not posted to the bug]
> I'm getting two strange behaviors on matching two transactions.  Allan's
> latest patch from the bug is involved here, but I'm not sure it's
> responsible for both issues.
> I have an old, manually entered transaction from 4 April (longer ago
> than the match window).  I just imported (OFX direct connect) a new
> transaction for the same check.  Since it was outside the window, it did
> not match, but just imported as a new transaction.  That makes sense and
> seems correct.  The original transaction has a payee and a category.
> The imported transaction has a different payee (correct, based on my
> payee matching) but no category.  I started by simply accepting the
> imported transaction.  Then if I select the two transactions and click
> on "Match" I get a popup "The transaction post-dates are not within the
> 'matchinterval' setting.  If you wish to import the transaction, click
> 'Yes'."  First, it's already imported, I'm now trying to match.
> However, I"m not sure it would be good to change the wording of the
> warning if it ever does show up when actually importing.

I suspect that wording is the original, and that it should have been 
revised in the light of neither transaction necessarily being imported.
Perhaps "If you wish to accept the match..."?

> Second, if I
> click 'Yes,' what happens depends on the order in which I selected the
> two transactions.

Yes, I've noticed that, and I seem to remember pointing this out to you, 
following your previous email. (18 March) -
 > I'm not sure about this, but you could try experimenting.
 > The retained date possibly depends on which transaction is selected 
first and
 > which second.  I think that may be what happens now.

Whichever transaction is selected last is the one whose date is retained.
(I'll verify this as my version has been patched.)"

> If I select the older (manual) transaction first, after the merge, the
> transaction retains the older date, but has the payee and missing
> category from the imported transaction.  Also, Bank Entry shows the
> older (manual) date and Your entry shows the newer (imported) date and
> memo.  The transaction's memo does contain the memos from both
> transactions.  On the other hand, if I select the newer (imported)
> transaction first, after the merge, the transaction has the newer date,
> retains the correct (from the manual transaction) payee and category,
> and the Bank entry and Your entry fields show the correct dates and memos.

As far as I can recollect, I made no change to these fields.


> Rather than trying to guess exactly what is happening, I simply observe
> that it appears the order of transaction selection has an effect on the
> results of the match in terms of which transaction's fields are retained
> in the matched transaction.  I'll see if I can capture screen shots to
> make it clearer what is happening.  I also wonder if I should try this
> again, using a version before Allan's last patch was applied, to see
> what happens.
> Jack
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