[Kmymoney-devel] Developing a plugin

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 00:02:25 UTC 2015

On 26/01/15 23:33, Jack wrote:
> On 2015.01.25 17:07, Paolo Spanevello wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> does anybody develop a web plugin? at least the essential features for
>> example insert a record in the Ledgers?
>> I followed the link above but it does not work.
>> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear/office/kmymoney/kmymoney/plugins/
>> best regards,
>> Paolo
> Paolo,
> KMyMoney has migrated from svn to git some time ago, so the new home of
> the code base would be
> http://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/office/kmymoney or the
> repository directory under that.  If you can tell us where you found
> that link, someone can correct it.
> Also, KMyMoney is a KDE application, not a web application.  Plugins are
> to add functionality to the main application.  Writing a web application
> to add data to a KMyMoney file is certainly possible, but it would not
> be a KMyMoney plugin - it would be a completely separate application
> (and not an easy thing to do.)
> Just off the top of my head, it might be more reasonable to write a web
> application to accept the data necessary for new transactions, but store
> it as an OFX file, which can then be imported into KMyMoney.  However,
> it also depends on what your actual goal is.
> Jack
I've just remembered Web Connect, but can't now remember how it works, 
and I couldn't see it in the handbook.

To Paolo

If you already have KMyMoney, then it contains the handbook, with the 
section on writing plugins, although it's short on detail.


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