[Kmymoney-devel] Can't add new Scheduled Deposits - Can't save as KMY

Eric Bonney eric at ericbonney.com
Sun Aug 16 18:13:18 UTC 2015

So I was able to get my sqlite database partially fixed. I had to delete
out all of my schedules but it appears that now I can at least enter
transactions again and I can even enter new schedules as long as they are
just transfers or bills. If I try to enter a new schedule that is a type
Deposit I get the following error:

Unable to add scheduled transaction: Error in function void
MyMoneyStorageSql::deleteKeyValuePairs(const QString&, const QVariantList&)
: deleting kvp for STORAGE

Driver = QSQLITE, Host = localhost, User = eric, Database =

Driver Error:

Database Error No -1:


Error type 0

Executed: DELETE FROM kmmKeyValuePairs WHERE kvpType = ? AND kvpId = ?;

Query error No 11: database disk image is malformed Unable to fetch row

Error type 1

This error happens every time I try to save the schedule.

I have tried to take my sqlite database file and save it as a .kmy but it
will not save. All that happens is that the application shows "saving file
with new filename...." in the status bar but nothing ever happens. I have
let it run for over 30 minutes with nothing.

I have opened the application from the command line to see if it gives off
any errors while trying to save but it doesn't give anything at all.

Looking for advice on how I can either correct my sqlite database or at
least restore it to the kmy file type. Anyone else seeing this behavior
when trying to save a scheduled deposit into a database?


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