[Kmymoney-devel] Another locale puzzle - CSV Importer

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Fri May 30 16:51:33 UTC 2014

On 30/05/14 16:44, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Allen,
> On Friday 30 May 2014 14:00:02 Allan wrote:
> [...]
>> On 30/05/14 13:10, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>> I need to convert a monetary string to double in order to test if it is
>> zero, or empty.  Previously, when there was either a valid debit or
>> credit value, I didn't take the other field into account.  This bug was
>> from a file where instead of the 'other' field being empty, it contained
>> a zero value.  I could replace the zero with empty, but I've been trying
>> to detect it to warn the user before clearing it.
> Yep, I followed that discussion.
>> QLocale::toCurrencyString or QLocale::toString(loc->readMoney won't work
>> as they are not static, so I had to provide an object.  This goes back
>> to my original problem, though.  I need to create a default QLocale, but
>> I can't do that as I don't know what country I'm running in.  I can get
>> the KLocale locale setting, but can't convert that to a QLocale.
> Hmm, that still leaves a problem: you never know if the file the user has
> matches his locale. I've seen banks in Germany delivering CSV files with a dot
> as decimal symbol while we usually use a comma for that purpose. Since the
> same applies to QIF, I once wrote

Ah, that's interesting.  I'll need to have a think about that, as it may 
impact something else I've done.  Apart from the unexpected zeroes, 
another issue involved is that sometimes a value has no decimal point or 
decimal part and I have to add those.  I think I've used the locale 
decimal, but the user actually gets to choose the decimal he wants, so I 
really need to use that.  Slight problem there is that he doesn't get to 
choose until a bit later.  Unless I bring forward my intention to 
identify the decimal actually in the file......

> void MyMoneyQifProfile::scanNumeric(const QString& txt, QChar& decimal, QChar&
> thousands) const
> which scans the string to determine decimal and thousand separator characters.
> Once you have that, you could use regular Alkimia for what you want to do.
> Here's how:
>    QString inputVal;                    // your unknown input data
>    QChar decimal('.'), thousands;       // make the dot the default
>    scanNumeric(inputVal, decimal, thousands);
>    if(AlkValue(inputVal, decimal) == AlkValue(0)) {
>    }
> Since scanNumeric is not static either, simply make a copy of it in your
> class.

Apart from what I just wrote above, I already have my own routine to 
check and verify the decimal points after the user has made his choice.

Ho hum...  This fix is already much more complicated, or bigger anyway, 
than I expected.  Thanks for the above help as well, Thomas.


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