[Kmymoney-devel] Another locale puzzle - CSV Importer

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri May 30 15:44:31 UTC 2014


On Friday 30 May 2014 14:00:02 Allan wrote:


> On 30/05/14 13:10, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> I need to convert a monetary string to double in order to test if it is
> zero, or empty.  Previously, when there was either a valid debit or
> credit value, I didn't take the other field into account.  This bug was
> from a file where instead of the 'other' field being empty, it contained
> a zero value.  I could replace the zero with empty, but I've been trying
> to detect it to warn the user before clearing it.

Yep, I followed that discussion.

> QLocale::toCurrencyString or QLocale::toString(loc->readMoney won't work
> as they are not static, so I had to provide an object.  This goes back
> to my original problem, though.  I need to create a default QLocale, but
> I can't do that as I don't know what country I'm running in.  I can get
> the KLocale locale setting, but can't convert that to a QLocale.

Hmm, that still leaves a problem: you never know if the file the user has 
matches his locale. I've seen banks in Germany delivering CSV files with a dot 
as decimal symbol while we usually use a comma for that purpose. Since the 
same applies to QIF, I once wrote

void MyMoneyQifProfile::scanNumeric(const QString& txt, QChar& decimal, QChar& 
thousands) const

which scans the string to determine decimal and thousand separator characters. 
Once you have that, you could use regular Alkimia for what you want to do. 
Here's how:

  QString inputVal;                    // your unknown input data
  QChar decimal('.'), thousands;       // make the dot the default
  scanNumeric(inputVal, decimal, thousands);
  if(AlkValue(inputVal, decimal) == AlkValue(0)) {

Since scanNumeric is not static either, simply make a copy of it in your 

Does that make sense?



Thomas Baumgart

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