[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney looses data

Software at quantentunnel.de Software at quantentunnel.de
Sat May 17 09:44:42 UTC 2014

Hi Allan, all

It has happened again! One old entry from November 2013 had suddenly disappeared when reconciling the account. I have daily incremental backups: the entry was still there on 2014-05-10, but no longer on 2014-05-13 (the file was unchanged on the dates between, thus no backup).

The entry is a split transaction, paying from a bank account to a credit card account. The credit card of my wife and of me are settled with a single payment and the credit card company rounds to 0.05 CHF; so it is a split transaction with three parts, see attached screen shot (that month, I did not use my credit card, so my amount is zero).

I did a diff of the two .kmy files (after gunzip). The result is rather lengthy as we entered and reconciled on that day. However, the only 'suspicious' difference is the following deletion, not replaced by anything:

<   <TRANSACTION postdate="2013-11-18" commodity="CHF" memo="" id="T000000000000003462" entrydate="2013-12-02">
<    <SPLITS>
<     <SPLIT payee="P000318" reconcileflag="2" shares="-9381/20" reconciledate="2013-11-30" action="" bankid="" account="A000006" number="" value="-9381/20" memo="" id="S0001"/>
<     <SPLIT payee="P000318" reconcileflag="2" shares="23453/50" reconciledate="2013-11-18" action="" bankid="" account="A000016" number="" value="23453/50" memo="" id="S0002"/>
<     <SPLIT payee="P000318" reconcileflag="0" shares="0/1" reconciledate="" action="" bankid="" account="A000015" number="" value="0/1" memo="" id="S0003"/>
<     <SPLIT payee="P000318" reconcileflag="0" shares="-1/100" reconciledate="" action="" bankid="" account="A000075" number="" value="-1/100" memo="" id="S0004"/>
<    </SPLITS>

It is for me hard to understand, how a bug could delete a single entry. However, it is equally hard to believe that my wife or I accidentally deleted the entry as deleting an entry is protected: pressing 'Delete' does not do anything, right-click then delet works but requests confirmation to delete a reconciled entry.

Versions: "KMyMoney Version 4.6.3 Unter KDE 4.8.5 (4.8.5)" installed on Ubuntu 12.04LTS with gnome desktop

Any ideas how I can further explore what has happened? How to prevent in the future?



From: <Software at ...>
Subject: Re: KMyMoney looses data; and error when using sqlite3 database
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.kde.kmymoney2.devel
Date: 2013-07-06 11:48:16 GMT (44 weeks, 6 days, 21 hours and 6 minutes ago)

Hi Allan, all
Thanks for looking into options.
I have daily backups, and next time this happens (every few weeks) I will keep a copy of the newly opened version with the lost entries, too (i.e., not immediately re-add them). Then I can manually compare the last two backups and the new version with lost entries, as I have now realized that these are human-readable xlm files. 'The last two' as I do not know whether the error happens when saving or when opening the file.
Input file: I assume you refer to an electronic file received from my bank. I have none; I get paper copies from the bank and reconcile manually.
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 04. Juli 2013 um 12:01 Uhr
An: Software-1pFVYSAoaJAREI5ypv3d1g at public.gmane.org
On Mon, 1 Jul 2013 21:50:22 +0200 (CEST)
Software-1pFVYSAoaJAREI5ypv3d1g at public.gmane.org wrote:

> Hi
> I use "KMyMoney Version 4.6.1, KDE 4.8.5" (copied from KMyMoney's
> About dialog), Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (precise) with gnome, Linux kernel
> 3.2.0-48-generic-pae. My KMyMoney data file is fairly big (213.7 kB)
> and contains 2993 transactions ("Buchungen") and 6361 split
> transactions ("Split-Buchungen").
> I encounter a problem, now several times over the last months: some
> data, typically some of the last entered (or reconciled) records get
> lost. They were clearly there when I reconciled (as I mark each
> reconciled line on the hardcopy received from the bank). And when I
> look next time, e.g., three reconciled entries are missing. It is not
> that I did not save the file (otherwise the records would still be
> there but unreconciled). This data loss seems to occur randomly; I
> see no possibility to trigger it at will. Is there a way to create a
> log file to see what happens?

Looking at the size of your data, you're obviously pretty experienced,
so I hope you'll excuse me for asking possibly silly questions.

You say that -
"They were clearly there when I reconciled (as I mark each
> reconciled line on the hardcopy received from the bank). And when I
> look next time, e.g., three reconciled entries are missing. It is not
> that I did not save the file (otherwise the records would still be
> there but unreconciled)"

What if you marked your hardcopy in error? What if those transactions
weren't actually there because you omitted to save them initially?

Do you have an earlier version of your file which shows them as having
been entered? It seems a bit strange that apparently it's only recent
transactions that are involved.

Do you/can you keep any input file - I don't know where your data comes
from - whether/how imported.

Might it be an idea to keep a few backup copies to confirm that the
transactions were definitely there at some stage?


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