[Kmymoney-devel] KMMDroid alive and kicking

Eric Bonney eric at ericbonney.com
Thu May 15 15:23:10 UTC 2014

Thanks Fernando!

It will be a bit before I can add this but I appreciate the start. I will
look at the suggested code as well.

On May 14, 2014 11:36 PM, "Fernando Vilas" <fvilas at iname.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 19:48:15 Eric Bonney wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> > So after a year or so of letting this project lay idle I have resurrected
> > it again. I have it just about updated to the latest API and starting to
> > fix some other bugs.
> >
> > I have a quick question about investment accounts. I am trying to figure
> > out how the actual current balance in an investment account is figured. I
> > don't see it stored in the database anywhere so I am guessing there is a
> > calculation going on somewhere right?
> >
> > If so can someone point me where to look?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> We have tried a few database views to calculate it, but those proved to be
> cumbersome. They also break down when the a stock splits or goes through a
> reverse split.
> Consequently, they are calculated at the storage layer in the
> MMStorage::balance() function, implemented for both the XML and SQL
> backends.
> I will cover the one in the SQL backend, since that is one I am more
> familiar
> with, though it was modeled after the one in the XML backend.
> The algorithm is essentially to grab all splits in the date range that
> match
> txType='N' and the accountId is the one you want, ordered by accountId and
> date. Then loop through all splits returned. If the action was a normal
> transaction, then add the value to the running total. If the action was
> ActionSplitShares, then multiply instead of add so that the split is
> handled
> appropriately.
> For speed the results are stored in the MMFile member variable of type
> MyMoneyBalanceCache.
> --
> Thanks,
> Fernando Vilas
> fvilas at iname.com
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