[Kmymoney-devel] Reviewboard workflow

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Sep 29 12:45:04 UTC 2013


I just want to add my 0.02 of git knowledge inline below

on Sunday 29 September 2013 Cristian Oneț wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to share the following workflow which makes posting review
>  request easier (I posted the full workflow considering that I work on
> 'improve_something'):
> 1. (master) $git up
> 2. (master) $git branch improve_something
> 3. git co improve_something

One can combine 2. and 3. a single step

  2. git co improve_something -b

> 4. Change code/build/test
> 5. (improve_something) $git ci
> 6. git post-review
> 7. (improve_something) $git ci --amend
> 8. Add the REVIEW: id to the commit message
> 9. After the commit has been reviewed

What do we need to do when we want to update an existing review? I read 
something about a '-r' option to post-review. Can you elaborate on this?

> 10. (master) $git up
> 11. (master) $git co improve_something
> 12. (improve_something) $git rebase master
> 13. (improve_something) $git co master
> 14. (master) $git merge improve_something

Not so sure about 11. and 12. This certainly works as long as you always use 
the --amend option to commits because then you only have one commit entry in 
the history and add that to master. In case you keep multiple commits on the 
feature-branch (improve_something) then I suggest to do the following 

10. (master) git up
11. (master) git merge --no-ff --no-commit improve_something
12. Build and test, if it fails, revert the merge (which is not committed) and 
continue working, otherwise continue with 13.
13. (master) git commit
14. noop

I am missing a build/test cycle in your sequence. Since master might have 
received some changes that are incompatible with the patch, one really needs 
to do tests here.

> 15. (master) $git format-patch origin/master --stdout (last check before
>  push) 
> 16. (master) $git push
> 17. (master) $git branch -D improve_something

> I have the following aliases in ~/.gitconfig
> [alias]
>         ci = commit
>         up = pull --rebase
>         co = checkout
>         post-review = !post-review



Thomas Baumgart

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