[Kmymoney-devel] incorrect currency rates in imported / scheduled transactions

Alexis Yushin alexis at ww.net
Thu Oct 31 10:41:36 UTC 2013

Dear Developers,

I'm new to kmymoney but so far I absolutely love its flexibility and extendebility! (I absolutely love to
be able to make a QIF filter specific to my bank or just look into the .kmy file to check consistency)

I have a question weather the following is a bug or feature:

I have a set up with a number of accounts and categories hierachy in EUR with EUR as my base currency.
However I also actively use two CZK accounts and I would like to categorize the transactions from those
accounts in the same EUR hierachy. I realize to have precise accountancy I should have a separate CZK
categories hierachy, however for my needs EUR estimates are enough.

The problem starts when I either import or schdule transactions from my CZK bank account which are
automatically matched with payees with default categories in EUR. In this case they are recored with
exchange rate of 1 instead of the available currency history price (I have even imported currency
prices for each date of the transactions I am planning to import)

Further when I edit such transaction the currency editor pops up, but there as well a rate of 1 is
displayed and not the rate from the <PRICES> list.

Do I miss something?

Is there an easy way to update all currency exchange rates of seleted transactions from history

This would be a great feature: in ledge just mark the transactions and have a buttton like update Currency prices
with an option to either enter one price for all the transactions or use historical data or update it from online.


Alex Yushin

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