[Kmymoney-devel] Ledger View Column Widths

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 21 02:54:29 UTC 2013

On 2013.06.20 19:16, aga wrote:
> Is there a major reason why the column widths behave the way they do?  
> It doesn't seem very logical to me at the moment, or in fact ever.
> A slight silly, but not untypical, example is that if I choose to use  
> a complex system for check numbers, such that the whole number is not  
> visible, the only way I have available is to stretch the whole  
> window. However, even that doesn't help, as the whole of the increase  
> is grabbed by the Details column.  I accept that it is likely that  
> that column is going to need to be the widest.  Then, why are the  
> Payment and Deposit columns twice the width of the Balance column,  
> when that column may be likely to have the greatest value?  Ditto for  
> the Date.
> Why not allow the user to set the column widths according to *his*  
> needs?
Yes, I've had  similar wonders.  Is it perhaps simply an unintended  
consequence of the particular widget used?  Could changing the widget,  
or maybe even a more recent update to the widget, allow column resizing?
> </rant>
I missed the opening <rant> :-)

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