[Kmymoney-devel] Tags suggestion

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 23 23:03:59 UTC 2013

On 2013.01.23 16:59, Alessandro Russo wrote:
> Il 08/01/2013 00:27, mk-lists at email.de ha scritto:
>> Hi Alessandro,
>> I wish you a Happy New Year!
>> I noticed one thing concerning tags:
>> I was making use of a tag for a business trip and just couldn't  
>> figure out why the figures wouldn't add up as expected.
>> Finally I realized that the error was this:
>>       - Assume you have a transaction T1 with a certain tag in  
>> account A.
>>       - That transaction T1 transfers the money to account B.
>>       - On account B there is another transaction T2 which  
>> compensates for T1.
>>       - In account B transaction T1 is actually seen as a T1', since  
>> the tag present in T1 is not assigned here anymore.
>> => When I now sum up everything T1' is missing.
>> So, I guess, what the code should/could do - by default - is to  
>> assign the tag to both transactions, the outgoing in A as well as  
>> the incoming in B.
>> But, perhaps I am just missing something.
>> Greets,
>> Marko
> Hi Marko,
> sorry if I reply only.
> At this time only on the first account of the transaction is added  
> the tag/tags. This work well in a normal deposit/withdrawal as the  
> first account is a category not a real user account but maybe not so  
> well with a transfer between two accounts.
> I'm reposting this in the mailing list so that others can give some  
> suggestions.
> Should we add the tag/tags to each transaction (a transaction in the  
> engine is composed of at least two transaction, one that operate on a  
> category or account and the other that operate on an account)?
> Or should we do this only for transfer transactions?

I'm not sure I have a good answer, but I think perhaps it should work  
like category or memo.  If you enter the category or memo in the main  
transaction when you create the transaction, it is included in both  
splits (I think.)  On the other hand, if you create a split  
transaction, you can enter a separate category and memo for each split,  
and I don't think these are carried to the split that represents the  
other side of the transaction.  I hope this makes sense, and is an  
accurate description of what happens.


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