[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney 0.8

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 17:36:01 UTC 2013

On Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:56:29 -0600
Kathryn Huss <kathryn at hal-pc.org> wrote:

Hi Kathryn
I'll intersperse my comments.  I'm copying to the list but don't know
if you subscribed to it.

> Hi Allan,
> Thank you for your prompt response. Let me preface this by saying
> that I'm not very computer literate. My brother, who is a couple of
> courses short of an MS in computer science, talked me into changing
> to Ubuntu. Unfortunately, I have not been able to upload many of the
> programs and databases that I relied upon in Windows XP & Windows 7.
> (Like MyMoney and PalmPilot Desktop.)
> So, I am trying, /once again/, to get MyMoney to run on Ubuntu.
> KMyMoney downloaded w/o a problem. I inserted my memory stick into
> the USB port, and clicked on the "MyMoney backup" file. KMMoney
> recognized it; and automatically opened -- but displayed the pop-up
> window:

This rather sounds like you're trying to get KMM to open an MSMoney
backup file, but KMM is expecting it to be in its own .kmy format.  Not
finding what it expects, it assumes it's an older version.  So, I think
you can forget about needing KMyMoney 0.8.  Actually, your version
1.0.4 is pretty old anyway, but we'll come back to that later.
>     Sorry - KMyMoney
>     File /*media/BFE6-DE1A/My Money 2013 Backup 2 d1 d1 d1 d1.mbf*
>     contains the old binary format used by KMyMoney. Please use an
> older version of KMyMoney (0.8.x) that still supports this format to
>     convert it to the new XML base format.
> Then I tried "importing" my file. But KMyMoney only gives two import 
> options: Gnucash and OFX. Neither will recognize my .mbf file.
> That's when I started hunting for a copy of 0.8x to download; and 
> subsequently emailed you.
> The version of KMyMoney I have is 1.0.4 (Using KDE 3.5.10). I would 
> appreciate any help you can give. (I need to add that I am clueless 
> about "source code," "compiled," "QIF"...)

OK, we'll forget about those, apart from "QIF", as that is what you'll
need. "QIF" is a format that is a commonly used interchange format.

What you need to do is go back to MSMoney and look for the option to
export your data.  If there is a choice, let's hope it includes MSMoney.
SElect that, hopefully, and see what options you now have.  It's
probably best not to try to export everythin in one go, particularly if
your file is not small and simple.  So just try something simple first,
then build up.

So, let's know how that goes.

The current version of KMM is 4.6.3, but I suspect that, depending on
what revision of Ubuntu you have, that is not yet likely to be
available.  There is a version of that, but it might be a bit difficult
to obtain and install.  It's actually in a PPA, which is an unofficial
Ubuntu repository.  We may need to co-opt your brother to assist.

For the time being though, go the QIF route.

> Thank you,
> Kathryn

> On 02/18/2013 09:27 AM, aga wrote:
> > On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 18:57:32 -0600
> > Kathryn Huss <kathryn at hal-pc.org> wrote:
> >
> >> Where can I download an old version of KMyMoney (0.8x)? I
> >> downloaded a current edition; but when I try to upload my data
> >> from a disc (MS MyMoney 2007), I get a message that I need to use
> >> 0.8x to translate my data to a newer format. I haven't been able
> >> to find a place from which to download that old format.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Kathryn
> >> kathryn at hal-pc.org
> >> _______________________________________________
> > Try this link
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmymoney2/files/KMyMoney/0.8.9/
> >
> > That will be the source code, which will need to be compiled, and
> > which will need KDE3, rather than the current KDE4.
> >
> > You don't say what distro/OS you use so it's not possible for me to
> > be more specific.  It may be that others can provide further
> > assistance.
> >
> > However, I have to admit to being a bit puzzled.  It's true that
> > older versions of KMM used a different format which the later
> > versions cannot accept.  However, that's to do with KMM's output
> > file format, and you're talking about importing from MSMoney.  What
> > is the type of file you are attempting to import?  I wonder if you
> > are actually trying to open say a QIF file, instead of importing
> > it, which is what is needed. I can see that that could cause KMM to
> > get confused.
> >
> > So could you give more detail of what you are attempting and what
> > steps you have tried.
> >
> > Allan
> >
> >
> >
> >

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