[Kmymoney-devel] [kmymoney4] [Bug 314491] KMyMoney Gnucash Import Crash

Tony Bloomfield tonyb.lx at ntlworld.com
Thu Feb 7 11:49:21 UTC 2013

Yes, I'm still alive.

I'm sending this to the list since I seem to have lost my KDE bugzilla 
signon; lack of use I guess.

Did the OP try running his file through the GnuCash Check and Repair 
facility; under the Actions menu IIRC. It sometime picks out problems 
like this.

> Otherwise, the only alternative is to try to reproduce the problem using your
> file, which of course has privacy issues.

At one time, I developed a GnuCash anonymizer. As I recall, it could be 
created by compiling the GNC import module stand-alone with an optional 
compiler flag set; something like GNCANON I think. I used it 
successfully on my own old GNC files once, but never got round to 
providing a distribution of it.

Keep up the good work, guys.



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