[Kmymoney-devel] wrong language character when updating account (HBCI)

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Apr 15 19:25:45 UTC 2013


On Monday 15 April 2013 16:21:38 Hermann H. wrote:

> That means I have to compile gwenhywfar?!
> Sorry, I'm an enduser and have installed the libgwenhywfar60* from
> openSUSE12.3 repo. So I can't test it?

Sorry, but you were writing to a developer list, so I assumed you are somewhat 
familiar with that. No problemo.

Can someone jump else in Germany jump in and give it a try? I know, you ask 
yourself, why doesn't he do it himself? First: I use the program w/o 
translation and second: lack of time.



Thomas Baumgart

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