[Kmymoney-devel] Tags update

Alessandro axela74 at yahoo.it
Sun Oct 14 07:01:17 UTC 2012

afters some work I'm writing you some news about my quest to add the 
'tag' feature to KMyMoney.

1) I created and almost completed the Tag tab in KMyMoneyView 
(KTagsView), it's similar to the payees tab.
2) I modified many classes in the storage folder and created a new class 
MyMoneyTag similar to MyMoneyPayee, now Tags save and load correctly but 
not all tag attribute (visibibleFrom,etc..) are saved/loaded yet.
3) I changed transactioneditor, transaction and KGlobalLedgerView, now 
there is a new widget called Tags in the translationeditor that someway 
works but no tags are shown in the ledger yet and no widget is showed 
when you insert or edit a transaction directly from the ledger (is this 
a feature that somebody uses?).
4) Missing features:
   - multi tags per transaction (only 1 tag can be added at this time)
   - no tag selection in reports
   - hierarchical tags (I'm rethinking about the real usefulness of this 
one... as implementing it will require some work :-) )
   - in the tag tab you can select a color for the tag, this will be 
used to show the tag in the ledger with this  color, also no visibility 
check is made.
   - no tags in a split
   - in the tag tab if you select a tag and click on the 'New tag' 
button the selected tag wil be deleted and replaced with an empy "NewTag"
   - in the transaction editor when you edit a transaction with a tag 
the tag field is empty, when not in edit mode it show the tag name 
   - many more... :-)

I want to put these changes in the reviewboard but I don't know if it's 
better to wait and put a more complete patch or put it now to have some 
advices at a more initial stage. Suggestions?

I had to change/create many more source files than I thought initially.

git status give me this:
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   ../dialogs/CMakeLists.txt
#       new file:   ../dialogs/ktagreassigndlg.cpp
#       new file:   ../dialogs/ktagreassigndlg.h
#       new file:   ../dialogs/ktagreassigndlgdecl.ui
#       modified:   ../dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp
#       modified:   ../dialogs/transactioneditor.h
#       modified:   ../kmymoney.cpp
#       modified:   ../kmymoney.h
#       modified:   ../kmymoneyui.rc
#       modified:   ../mymoney/CMakeLists.txt
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneyfile.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneyobjectcontainer.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneyobjectcontainer.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneysplit.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneysplit.h
#       new file:   ../mymoney/mymoneytag.cpp
#       new file:   ../mymoney/mymoneytag.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/imymoneyserialize.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/imymoneystorage.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneydatabasemgr.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneydatabasemgr.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneyseqaccessmgr.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneyseqaccessmgr.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragesql.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragesql.h
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragexml.cpp
#       modified:   ../mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragexml.h
#       modified:   ../views/CMakeLists.txt
#       modified:   ../views/kgloballedgerview.cpp
#       modified:   ../views/kmymoneyview.cpp
#       modified:   ../views/kmymoneyview.h
#       new file:   ../views/ktagsview.cpp
#       new file:   ../views/ktagsview.h
#       new file:   ../views/ktagsviewdecl.ui
#       modified:   kmymoney.widgets
#       modified:   kmymoneymvccombo.cpp
#       modified:   kmymoneymvccombo.h
#       modified:   transaction.cpp
#       modified:   transaction.h

Best regards,
  Alessandro Russo

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