[Kmymoney-devel] [Bug 274435] importing gnucash makes payee from comment instead of corresponding account

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Sun May 20 15:37:34 UTC 2012


Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |ostroffjh at users.sourceforge
                   |                            |.net

--- Comment #9 from Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net> ---
You might get some similar effect by re-importing the data from scratch, with
appropriate payees already set up, using the matching section for payees.  Now,
it seems your best approach is to delete those "wrong" payees - when you delete
a payee, KMM asks to what other payee it should move the transactions.  There
is also a checkbox on that dialog to automatically add the old payee name as a
matching string for the payee to which you move the transactions.

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