[Kmymoney-devel] Help with kmymoney

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Mar 3 07:14:52 UTC 2012

On Friday 02 March 2012 06:16:53 Joe Byers wrote:

> I appreciate the feedback.
> To address a few points below.
> 1.  Database: MYSQL  (since I am using mysql, i can provide a mysql dump
> perl script for users that want to back up their entire schema in a bzipped
> sql text archive periodically.  I do this once a month to an external usb
> drive using cron, but any OS schedule will work.)

If you send it to me, I can add it to our contrib directory so it will be 
released next time as part of the application.

> 2.  I need to replicate my database schema for testing and set up one of my
> workstations with git/svn to the latest code base.

> 3.  I need to compile my
> feature/bug list and provide it to the development group with more details
> and compare to those posted currently.

> 4.  I will need some help with the 
> 'encryption using GPG' and 'anonymizing'. 

Since you use a database backend, GPG encryption is not available for you. 
It's for those users storing their data in a (XML) file. Regarding the 
anonymizing of personal data you can consult the manual at e.g.




Thomas Baumgart

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'Software is like sex: it's better when it's free' (Linus Torvalds)
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