[Kmymoney-devel] Feedback

Allan agander93 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 11:00:03 UTC 2012

On 15/12/12 03:38, W S wrote:
> Regarding the menu issue, as you probably guessed I am very new to
> KMyMoney.  So that may explain some of the uninformed questions.  I
> installed it this week to evaluate it as a  replacement for Quicken so
> that I can move away from Windows.  I could run Quicken under Wine, I
> guess, but tried it about a year ago and found many operational issues.
> Regarding the greyed-out qif import option.  When I created an account
> first, as you explained, then the qif option became available and I was
> able to import my records.  Thanks for the instruction. I now understand
> that step to mean "create one account in KMyMoney for each account that
> you have in the import file".  Guess it would help if I spent more time
> reading the guide.
> It would be nice, though, if the accounts could all be created
> automatically from the definitions in the qif/ofx file.  I have quite a
> few to set up and it will take some effort.

It is possible for KMyMoney to create accounts from information in the 
qif file - provided that the correct information is in the file.

As a test, I've just imported a file into a new KMM file, and it created 
a bunch of different accounts, including investments and stocks and prices.

Have a look at your QIF file - it's straight text, in QIF format - you 
should be able to find numerous examples of the 'standard' on the net.

You should find lines like -
NAccountname 1
NNAccountname 2
NNAccountname 3

DAlimony / maintenance
DBonus Income


> I'll look at that over the
> next few days and let you know what process I used.  BTW, my qif export
> contained just the transactions and account names.  I will re-export
> with all output options set and see what that does.
> I'll also look at the .qfx file, but it seems like I got a little
> dyslexic somehow.  Sorry about that.
> Thanks for you prompt replies and your help.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Allan <agander93 at gmail.com>
> *To:* W S <braves1953 at yahoo.com>; KMymoney <kmymoney-devel at kde.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, December 14, 2012 1:17 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Feedback
> It's best if you reply to the list as it gives everyone an opportunity
> to participate/learn!
> On 14/12/12 14:36, W S wrote:
>> Will do, thanks.
>> Now that I am beyond the "Menu" issue, I have another problem.  I need
>> to import my quicken data.  I have exported in both .qif and .qxf, which
>> are the only two Quicken options that appear to be supported by
>> KMyMoney.  See attached pdf with 3 screenshots.
>> When I bring up the import menu, the .qif entry is greyed-out  and cannot
>> be selected (first sceeenshot).  So that's the first issue.
> Can we back-track a little here, as the first screen-shot seems to be
> for OFX/QFX files.
> When you first click on File->Import, are you saying that the QIF...
> menu is grayed-out?  If so, let's back-track a bit more.  When you open
> KMYMoney for the first time, you should see a box headed "Start with one
> of the following activities... .  If at that time, you try to import a
> qif file, you can't because you haven't yet created an account into
> which to import it.  Instead, click on 'Get started and setup my
> accounts'.  Follow through that wizard and you'll get to the point where
> you've created a checking and other accounts.  You should now be able to
> import your qif file.
> However, this last stage sounds simple, but it rarely is as there are
> QIF files and there are QIF files and...  I think you get the message.
> You may get lucky, but you may have to adopt a step-by-step approach to
> the import, and import smaller chunks from Quicken.
> However, let's know which steps you followed and what the results were.
> We'll come back to the QFX issue later.  However, looking at your second
> screen-shot, I notice that the file extension is 'qxf' rather than
> 'qfx'.  This may or may not be relevant.
> Allan
>> The second issue is when I choose the ofx option instead, the resulting
>> popup does not see the .qfx file when the filter is set to the default
>> i.e. ".ofx .qfx .ofc" (second screenshot).
>> If I remove the filter, I can see and select the .qfx file, but KMyMoney
>> cannot open it (third screenshot).
>> Please advise if I should open a separate bug report for that or if
>> there is some simple explanation that I may be  doing something wrong.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Allan <agander93 at gmail.com <mailto:agander93 at gmail.com>>
>> *To:* W S <braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> *Cc:* "kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>"
> <kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>>
>> *Sent:* Friday, December 14, 2012 7:59 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Feedback
>> On 14/12/12 12:44, W S wrote:
>>> Ignore my earlier question as it was just due to my confusion.
>>> I think what may have contributed to my confusion, though, is that the
>>> Menu bar does not 'stick' with the  KMyMoney window (at least in the
>>> Virtual Box enviromnent) when it is resized.  Rather, it stays attached
>>> just below the VirtualBox Menu line. So if I resize the KMyMoney window
>>> and move it, the Window is disconnected from its Menu.
>>> Not sure if you consider that an issue or not.  If you do, I can
>>> provided screen-shots.
>>> Thanks.
>> That certainly sounds strange and does need to be investigated.  Of
>> course, the problem may not be in KMyMoney itself.
>> Please would you raise a bug athttps://bugs.kde.org/  , with a more
>> descriptive title like, say, in your post, 'Window is disconnected from
>> its Menu'.
>> Screen-shots would be helpful, with the steps to show the problem, and
>> the distro and revision you are  using.
>> Allan
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Allan <agander93 at gmail.com <mailto:agander93 at gmail.com>
> <mailto:agander93 at gmail.com <mailto:agander93 at gmail.com>>>
>>> *To:*kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>>;
>>braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 13, 2012 6:47 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Kmymoney-devel]  Feedback
>>> On 13/12/12 10:49, Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
>>>> There is one problem we are aware, but it happens  almost only in Unity,
>>>> and  that's the application not resizing correctly.
>>>> We are not aware of any issues with the  menu bar. Could you file a bug,
>>>> with more details and perhaps a screenshot?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Alvaro
>>>> PS. Please, always cc the mailing list, so everyone is up-to-date with
>>>> the discussion
>>>  Fromhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304215 -
>>>https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmymoney/+bug/995256/comments/3 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmymoney/+bug/995256/comments/4
>>> The above reports referenced in this report state that the problem is
>>> fixed in 4.6.3 (using Clay's ppa).
>>> Allan
>>>> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 10:14 PM, W S <braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>>
>>>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>>>> wrote:
>>>>     The menu bar is not visible.  It looks like some other people are
>>>>     seeing similar display issues, based on a  quick search.
>>>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>     *From:* Alvaro Soliverez <asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>
> <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>
> <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>>>
>>>>     <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>
> <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>
> <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org <mailto:asoliverez at kde.org>>>>>
>>>>     *To:*braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>>
>>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>>>
>>>>     *Cc:* KMyMoney KDE Development List <kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>>>
>>>>     <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:kmymoney-devel at kde.org>>>>>
>>>>     *Sent:* Wednesday, December 12, 2012 1:23 PM
>>>>     *Subject:* Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Feedback
>>>>     What do you mean by  "supporting Gnome"?
>>>>     KMyMoney runs fine in a Gnome desktop, although the integration is
>>>>     better within a KDE environment.
>>>>     Regards,
>>>>     Alvaro
>>>>     On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at  1:47 PM, <braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>>
>>>>     <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>
>> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>
> <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com <mailto:braves1953 at yahoo.com>>>>> wrote:
>>>>         Hi,____
>>>>       Do you have any plans for supporting Gnome?____
>>>>         Thanks.____
>>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>>         KMyMoney-devel mailing list
>>>>KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>>>
>>> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>>>>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> KMyMoney-devel mailing  list
>>>>KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>>
>> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>
> <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org <mailto:KMyMoney-devel at kde.org>>>

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