[Kmymoney-devel] Review Request: Refactoring of matching a transaction-under-import
Cristian Oneț
onet.cristian at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 16:21:14 UTC 2012
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By removing boost you can drop this change.
By removing boost you can drop this change.
Instead of using 'T *data () const' and then dereferencing it for readability just use 'T & operator* () const' so 'return *matchedSplit;' should be enough.
The same as above.
The same as above.
- Cristian Oneț
On Dec. 10, 2012, 4:11 p.m., Łukasz Maszczyński wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/107137/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Dec. 10, 2012, 4:11 p.m.)
> Review request for KMymoney.
> Description
> -------
> 1. please note that dependency on Boost is no longer optional (see changes in CMakeLists.txt)
> 2. Architectural changes
> Until now, the method MyMoneyStatementReader::processTransactionEntry() handled the whole process of importing a transaction - that is: handling the securities, matching and creating payees, and - at the very end of the method - adding the transaction to the ledger.
> The last step (adding transaction to ledger) is the main target of this refactoring. Its algorithm was as follows:
> 1. find a matching transaction (either existing or scheduled) - using TransactionMatcher::findMatch()
> 2. If an "existing transaction match" is found - handle it (in the old code it's the block starting with a comment "// it matched a simple transaction. that's the easy case")
> 3. Else if a "scheduled transaction match" is found - handle it ("// a match has been found in a pending schedule"...)
> Code "mapping" is as follows:
> - step 2 (above) is extracted to handleMatchingOfExistingTransaction()
> - step 3 (above) is extracted to handleMatchingOfScheduledTransaction()
> - TransactionMatcher::findMatch() is extracted to TransactionMatchFinder::findMatch() (note: there are two pure-virtual functions that are implemented in ExistingTransactionMatchFinder, ScheduledTransactionMatchFinder classes)
> - TransactionMatcher::checkTransaction() is extracted to TransactionMatchFinder::findMatchingSplit()
> 3. Memory management changes
> Raw pointers are no longer used, as these are typically error-prone. Pointers were replaced either with object instances, or boost::optional is used if applicable (e.g. see members of TransactionMatchFinder class).
> 4. dynamic_casts removed (were used on pointers returned by TransactionMatcher::findMatch(), no longer needed - see TransactionMatchFinder::getMatchedTransaction() and getMatchedSchedule() )
> 5. variable/method names - I did my best to keep those meaningful: e.g. "importedTransaction" instead of "t")
> Diffs
> -----
> CMakeLists.txt 93af070
> kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.h 758ff00
> kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp 42c4841
> kmymoney/dialogs/CMakeLists.txt 9a8d782
> kmymoney/dialogs/existingtransactionmatchfinder.h PRE-CREATION
> kmymoney/dialogs/existingtransactionmatchfinder.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kmymoney/dialogs/scheduledtransactionmatchfinder.h PRE-CREATION
> kmymoney/dialogs/scheduledtransactionmatchfinder.cpp PRE-CREATION
> kmymoney/dialogs/transactionmatcher.h d09a4cd
> kmymoney/dialogs/transactionmatcher.cpp c380877
> kmymoney/dialogs/transactionmatchfinder.h PRE-CREATION
> kmymoney/dialogs/transactionmatchfinder.cpp PRE-CREATION
> Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/107137/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> make test
> Thanks,
> Łukasz Maszczyński
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