[Kmymoney-devel] OFX import matching issue

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Fri Sep 9 18:52:45 UTC 2011


on Wednesday 31 August 2011 22:06:58 Jack wrote:

> Similar to but not the same as my false alarm yesterday:  I have a
> manually entered transaction for a transfer from another account with
> no payee and no memo.  I import an OFX file, with a transaction that
> matches, and the memo is used for both the payee and memo fields.
> That's OK and expected, as the OFX file has no better info in any other
> field.
> On import, KMM matches the two transactions.
> The date of the matched transaction is the imported date, not the
> manually entered one.  I suppose that's correct, but is it OK that that
> transaction now has two different dates for the two splits?  (The one
> here, and the one in the account the money was transferred from.)  One
> is the date the money was sent, the other is the date it was received -
> but it seems funny to have different dates on the two splits of the
> same transaction.

That sounds really strange. A transaction has only one post-date field, so how 
can you have a different date on each split of a transaction? This is 
technically not possible! At least I wrote it that way, and so far it has 
worked that way.

Or do you mean the original and imported transaction which are shown side by 
side as one in the ledger before you accept the match? Then that is perfectly 
OK (and it's not two splits of one transaction but two transactions with 
almost the same split each - hence the match).

> More important, if I click "unmatch" the memo and payee from the
> imported transaction remain on BOTH transactions, so even if I unmatch,
> I still have to edit the old transaction to get rid of the unwanted
> payee and memo.  Does this count as a bug?

I'd say it does, but I am not 100% sure. I need to check the source what was 
meant to happen.



Thomas Baumgart

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A: I hear that if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you
 get a Satanic message!
B: That's nothing. If you play it forward, it installs WinXP!
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