[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney Problems

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Oct 29 20:23:22 UTC 2011


on Saturday 29 October 2011 21:49:12 Roger Davis wrote:

> I have version 1.0.4 under Ubuntu, loaded from Ubuntu Software Center.

This is a rather old version.  KMyMoney 4.6 is the latest stable version.

> 1) QIF is grey under File / Import.  Why is this?  How do I fix it?

Hmm, don't know. Could be a problem of 1.0.4 but I honestly don't know.

> 2) The handbook won't load because the khelpcenter executable isn't
> present.

The 1.0 manual can be found here:


The 4.6 manual can be found here:


> 3) Get Help Online simply loads a new browser instance, no help is shown
> 4) I can't get to community help from the opening page, kfmclient isn't
> present

Yes, because you are not having installed basic KDE services.

> 5) The link to the website won't work, KFMclient isn't present

Same as 4)

> 6) I can't use the import OFX because it won't allow me to navigate to a
> USB key

Is the USB stick mounted?



Thomas Baumgart

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