[Kmymoney-devel] Re: [PATCH] KBanking plugin: stripLeadingZeroes() removes not only leading zeroes

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat May 7 15:07:12 CEST 2011


on Friday 06 May 2011 20:50:58 Marek wrote:

> Symptoms
> ------------
> When updating accounts via AqHBCI entries from two or more accounts are
> merged into one account. The remaining accounts receive no updates.
> A similar problem was reported on the kmymoney user list
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kmymoney/2011-April/000253.html.
> Versions affected
> --------------------
> 4.5.3 and probably others
> Description
> --------------
> in kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp stripLeadingZeroes() is
> used to remove leading zeros from bank routing and account numbers. The
> resulting values are used to generate kbanking-acc-ref. In addition to the
> leading zeroes the function incorrectly removes also any digits after
> significant zeros. This can lead to a situation where kbanking-acc-ref's
> of different accounts are not unique, e.g. both stripLeadingZeroes(1205)
> and stripLeadingZeroes(1204) yield 12.
> Consequently, when updating such accounts via AqHBCI updates from all
> accounts with the same kbanking-acc-ref are merged into one account.
> Testing
> ---------
> The enclosed patch against the 4.5.3 release works for me in my daily usage
> (in fact it makes using kmymoney with my bank accounts with HBCI possible
> at all) but has not been otherwise tested.
> Please consider for inclusion.

Done. Now in trunk. Thank you very much. I CC'ed the poster you refer to as 



Thomas Baumgart

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