[Kmymoney-devel] Re: More budget questions
ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 30 01:18:59 CEST 2011
On 2011.06.29 18:02, Jack wrote:
>> Next, someone on the kde-doc-english list said he was translating
>> the manual (didn't say what language) but was having problems with
>> the budget section. In fact, it does appear that there have been
>> changes in the budgets interface that are not reflected in the
>> manual.
>> - if you have not created any budgets, the default budget list is
>> empty. The default empty budget called "Budget <year>" is not
>> created until you actually create a new budget.
>> - the manual says there are five buttons above the list of budgets,
>> but the UI only shows three. It appears revert and save buttons
>> have been removed. IT appears that you are prompted to save when
>> the budget in the budget list loses focus by switching to another
>> budget or another area of the program. I assume reverting is done
>> by switching without saving and then switching back.
> I see that the save and revert buttons have just moved to under the
> list of accounts/categories, next to the collapse and expand buttons
> and the checkbox to hide unused categories. However, I'm not
> completely sure what the entry box to the right of that does. It
> seems to be a filter/search on account/category name - keeping any
> that match, plus their parents in the hierarchy. I was initially
> confused because I tried typing numbers in it - and I still can't
> figure out what that does. Also - if you type enough in that box so
> that no categories are listed, when you clear that box, the
> categories come back, but completely collapsed, no matter if they
> were fully expanded before. Is this the intended (or at least
> expected) behavior?
1) The text box to the right of the "hide unused" does seem to be a
text filter - is there any reason it has no label at all?
2) In the accounts list, there are columns for Total Balance, and Total
Value. The Balance is always 0 for categories - but this list only
shows categories, never regular accounts? (or am I wrong?) If this is
the case, what is the point of that column, which will always be empty?
3) In the accounts list, if a category is collapsed, the Total Value is
the sum for all subcategories. However, if a category is selected, and
thus displayed in the assignments section below, if it has
subcategories, the assignment values are always 0, even if all
subcategories are collapsed in the accounts list. This does make sense
to me, but I wanted to confirm it, because it is potentially confusing
enough that I plan to explicitly mention it in the handbook.
>> Would someone please confirm these assumptions?
> Thanks.
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