[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney

Andreas Christ a.christ at gmx.ch
Sat Jun 18 15:05:48 CEST 2011


I got the following error message:

Die Berichtsgruppe „Buchungen“ für den Bericht „BKB Privatkonto YTD
Konto Buchungen (angepasst)“kann nicht gefunden werden.
Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler an die Mailingliste der Entwickler:
kmymoney-devel at kde.org

What I was doing: I had entered a series of new bills, then selected
Konto (=account?) | Buchungs-Bericht (=booking report?) (which showed me
all entries for that account for the year to today). Then, to limit to
today only, I selected Einrichten (=configure?) and chose Heute (=
today). This resulted in the above error message.

My system: Ubuntu 32bit Natty (gnome desktop), KMyMoney Version 4.5.3

Please e-mail me if you need further details.



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