[Kmymoney-devel] [Bug 274185] QIF investment import with Lcategory:sub-category creates new incorrect category

allan agander93 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 12:24:47 CEST 2011


--- Comment #8 from allan <agander93 gmail com>  2011-06-04 12:24:45 ---
(In reply to comment #7)
> Hi Allan
> To recap:
> Bug #1: Accounts
> Fixed
> 1) No new accounts created
> 2) L[Account:sub-account]processed correctly
1) Using your original QIF, and with the accounts and categories set up as you
have them, yes, no new accounts/categories get created.
2) Yes, with activity codes left as 'IntInc', the transactions are allocated to
the correct category:sub-category, with the service fee as a Payment, and the
others as deposits.

> Bug#2: Categories:sub-categories only in KMM 1.0.5
>              More serious in version KMM 4.x
> 1)  Categories sorted out except for  " Bank Charges:Service Fee not split"?
> 2)  IntInc work around for negative (Fees) and positive (Interest) transactions
>               or use miscexp for negative Fees
> 3) IntInc transactions are being recorded correctly in brokerage account only
> 4) Dividends: use option 'Div' - records in both brokerage and investment a/cs

1) All categories are correct.
2) Yes, as above. No miscexp necessary.
3) Yes, all appear only in the Brokerage account - two deposits and one
4) Not sure what you mean here?  No Dividend records are now involved in your
QIF.  If you mean, aside from your QIF, if Dividends are entered, how do they
appear, well, I still have a problem with Div records.
a) 'Div'  'L[acc]' treated as category.
b) 'Div'  'Lacc'   deposits in 'acc' with no category.
c) 'DivX' 'Lacc'   deposits in 'acc' with no category.
d) 'DivX' 'L[acc]' deposits in 'acc' with 'Dividend' category.

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