[Kmymoney-devel] Re: [Kmymoney2-developer] Comments about KMyMoney

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Jun 4 07:57:43 CEST 2011


on Saturday 04 June 2011 07:39:44 Brent Baxter wrote:

> Hi,
> I just upgraded from Ubuntu   10.10 to 11.04 and am having difficulty
> mapping  a MyMoney account to an online account at my credit union

Did this work before with the same account or is this your first try? What are 
the details about the credit union (name, URL, FIID - not account number and 
personal details)

> Going through the account setup procedure the list of available financial
> institutions is not populated the way it was under 10.10.

How is it populated? Partially, not at all?

> Continuing
> by clicking on the manual tab and entering the ABA routing number and
> credit untion URL seems fine. On the next screen I entered my
> account name at the credit union and I get "No suitable accounts were found
> at this bank" and "Access to restricted port in POST denied".
> Any suggestions for what to try next?

First of all, which version of KMyMoney does this happen with? See 'Help/About 
KMyMoney' for the actual version.

p.s. I like to move this discussion to kmymoney-devel at kde.org, so please send 
your replies to this address. TIA.



Thomas Baumgart

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