[Kmymoney-devel] Re: Kontodaten von easybank lesen funktioniert nicht

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Tue Jul 19 15:23:15 CEST 2011


on Tuesday 19 July 2011 13:15:47 Andreas Trink wrote:

> Hallo,
> jetzt hat's geklappt. Angehängt ist der Log. So wie's aussieht,
> schickt der Server eine Fehlermeldung in HTML.
> Aber wie kann man da an den Parametern drehen so wie bei AqBanking?
> Vielleicht verschluckt sich der Server an den langen Zeitstempeln?

Hast Du das schon mal jemanden bei der Bank gefragt?  Hier mal ein Auszug aus 
der OFX Spec ver 2.1.1:

3.2.8 Common Data Types Dates, Times, and Time Zones
There is one format for representing dates, times, and time zones. The 
complete form is:
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.XXX [gmt offset[:tz name]] Ranges for Years, Months, Days, Hours, Seconds

Portion of Date/Time Field  Range
YYYY                        0000 - 9999
MM                          1 - 12
DD                          1 - 31
HH                          0 - 23
MM                          0 - 59
SS                          0 - 60

60 is only used in the case of the leap second Date and Datetime
Elements specified as type date or datetime and generally starting with the 
letters “DT” accept a fully
formatted date-time-timezone string. For example, “19961005132200.124[-5:EST]” 
represents October 5,
1996, at 1:22 and 124 milliseconds p.m., in Eastern Standard Time. This is the 
same as 6:22 p.m.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Date and datetime also accept values with fields omitted from the right. They 
assume the following
defaults if a field is missing:

Specified date or datetime       Assumed defaults
YYYYMMDD                         12:00 AM (the start of the day), GMT
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS                   GMT

Note that times zones are specified by an offset and optionally, a time zone 
name. The offset defines the
time zone. Valid offset values are in the range from –12 to +12 for whole 
number offsets. Formatting is
+12.00 to -12.00 for fractional offsets, plus sign may be omitted.
Take care when specifying an ending date without a time. For example, if the 
last transaction returned for
a bank statement download was Jan 5 1996 10:46 am and if the <DTEND> was given 
as just Jan 6, the
next statement download request would have a <DTSTART> of just Jan 6, causing 
any transactions posted
on Jan 5 after 10:46 am to be missed. If results are available only daily, 
then just using dates and not times
will work correctly.
Note: Open Financial Exchange does not require servers or clients to use the 
full precision
specified. However, they are REQUIRED to accept any of these forms without 
Some services extend the general notion of a date by adding special values, 
such as “TODAY.” These
special values are called “smart dates.” Specific requests indicate when to 
use these extra values, and list
the element as having a special data type.



Thomas Baumgart

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 -Popular Mechanics, 1949
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