[Kmymoney-devel] Re: Problem with investment transaction

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 21:54:15 CEST 2011

On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 12:53:22 -0400
Jack <ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> This is indirectly related to the recent discussion about which
> widgets appear when editing an investment transaction, especially if
> changing the transaction type.  However, I have a problem in that I
> can't figure out how to create a particular transaction.  In theory,
> this should be a dividend reinvestment.  My problem is that Merrill
> Lynch only records whole shares, and if a dividend reinvestment is
> not for the exact amount, they indicate the partial shares purchased,
> but they are not actually purchased at that time.  When your partial
> shares exceed a whole share, they then just do a journal entry, which
> I can then record as an "add shares."

I think I saw this process in the CSV file you sent me a while back.

> So - most of the time I add an amount to a category "partial share  
> purchase" to account for that difference, and only include the whole  
> shares purchased by the dividend.  My problem is that today I have a  
> reinvestment that ONLY has a partial share.  "Reinvest dividends"
> will not allow 0 shares to be purchased, 

That seems logical, not to accept the purchase of zero shares...

> and "Dividends" does not
> allow for a "fee" which is where I record the difference.  

I'm not clear on what this 'fee' represents, as I thought it was a
partial share you had received.  However, there is not, so far as I am
aware, a reason for a Dividend transaction not to incur a fee, if that
helps.  I think it's just a question of keeping the UI relevant.  If
there is a need, then a fee field could be added.

> I know
> that I don't really need to record this in a transaction since there
> is no increase in shares (I do not track the partial shares in KMM)
> and no real dividend amount to transfer to the brokerage account, but
> to be fully compulsive, I'd like to record it somehow.

If, as it seems, it's a partial share you want to 'remember', then
could not Add be used here, although that goes against you current 'no
partial share' recording.  Presumably, at a later date it will become a
full share and the partial one can be deleted/updated.

> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Jack


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