[Kmymoney-devel] Re: Investment Problem?

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at kde.org
Tue Jan 25 01:25:17 CET 2011

This may be related to the performance improvement fixes.
I guess you have everything up-to-date on you SVN, correct?

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:03 PM, allan <agander93 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 24/01/11 21:56, Jack Ostroff (D8 TC) wrote:
>> (sorry for the top post - new response back at the bottom)  Good idea!
>> On 2011.01.24 15:12, allan wrote:
>>> On 24/01/11 19:22, Jack wrote:
>>>> What was the balance before the import?
>>> Hi Jack
>>> When I'm testing, I use an empty-ish test file (just has accounts set
>>> up, but empty) and just import into an empty account, so the prior
>>> balance was zero.
>>> It isn't just with imports. The same happens when I manually enter
>>> transactions.  The first I enter shows with zero balance, a second
>>> one added then gets zero balance, and the previous one gets a balance
>>> just of the quantity from the second one.  Strangely, though, if I
>>> use my production file, I can import as normal into existing
>>> accounts.  However, if I set up a new file there, and enter
>>> transactions, it fails.
>>> I'm going to have to clear the sandbox and start from scratch. It
>>> just doesn't make sense.
>>> Allan
>>>> On 2011.01.24 11:36, allan wrote:
>>>>> I hope this isn't me, but it is a bit weird.
>>>>> I'd been importing some investment statements via the csv plugin
>>>>> and noticed that a balance figure was incorrect, but the next and
>>>>> following lines were OK.  As it coincided with an entry practically
>>>>> identical to the one above, I just deleted it and all seemed OK.
>>>>> Today, with a different file, I'm consistently getting incorrect
>>>>> balances on imported investments.  Thinking I'd corrupted the
>>>>> plugin code, I used it to make a qif file, examined it, and
>>>>> imported that, still with the errors.  I tried an old qif file and
>>>>> that too gave errors.
>>>>> I've now updated from svn - same, and cleared build but still the
>>>>> same.
>>>>> There are three items.  The first is an add of 1545.61 shares,
>>>>> against which the balance shows -52.53.  Then there is a reinv of
>>>>> 29.31, with the balance now -23.22,  then  another of 23.22 shares
>>>>> and the balance now at 0.00.
>>>>>      Qty                  Balance
>>>>> 1545.61          -52.53
>>>>>      29.31          -23.22
>>>>>      23.22             0.00
>>>>> So starting at the bottom, the 23.22 reinvested produce the balance
>>>>> for the line above, the the previous reinv of 29.31 added, gives
>>>>> the balance on the first line.  So, it looks like the balance is
>>>>> calculated from the bottomor newest item, instead of from the top.
>> Definitely odd.  However, as balances (from my understanding) are
>> calculated as the register is displayed (effectively - given caching
>> for performance) might there be something funny with the display
>> order.  Try changing the sort order of the register display in various
>> ways to see if anything makes any more sense in a different order.
>> Also - you could try changing the dates of the three transactions so
>> they come in different orders.  Don't know if it will help, but it
>> might provide some additional hint.
> There is something very sick here!
> I've created a new sandbox and when I opened the test file, it had the
> saved three items now displaying correctly.  Good, I thought, then added
> a new item, and things went wrong again.  I saved the file, reopened it
> and they were in correct order again.  Repeat, wrong -save/reload and
> OK. Then I deleted the four items, but the foot of the ledger value
> still shows £1530, although home shows zero amount.  So home view is
> correct, but ledger isn't.  I delete all entries, save and reload and
> ledger still shows 1530.
> Now, slowly...
> QTY            RESULT->         QTY            Balance             Value £
>                                                                                              1530
> +10                                           10               1530
>             1530
> +20 10               1510                  1510
> 20               1530                  1530
> +30 10 14801530
> 20               1500 1530
>                                                  30               1530
>                  1530
> Home view shows the expected balance of £60.
> Save, close, reload, and all is as it should be with ledger balance
> correct at £60, until I touch it again.
> Then buy another  40, and 40 gets deducted from the balance on each line
> except the last, and the ledger balance doesn't get changed at all.
> Save, close, reload, and all is as it should be with ledger balance
> correct at £100.....etc., etc.
> So, the problem is with the display and updating of the balance column,
> but only ledger view, with Home OK.
> Is there any chance you could do a quick experiment, with just a couple
> of items?
> Allan
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